10 April 2018

Day 8 – Cradock-Graaf Reinet

Today’s journey takes place among the typical Karoo landscape, an arid plain dotted with flat topped, low reliefs, that vaguely resembles some pictures of the old […]
9 April 2018

Day 7 – Addo-Cradock

Today marks the start of the leisurely trek northwards that will lead us through the semiarid region of the Karoo and evenually to the Kalahari desert. […]
8 April 2018

Day 6 – Addo Elephant National Park

Today we had a wonderfully relaxing day in the greater Addo Elephant National Park, one of South Africa’s major parks, which was created in 1932 to […]
7 April 2018

Day 5 – Plettenberg Bay-Jeffreys Bay

Autumn Is over in a flash and it’s back to Summer. The sun is shining and we feel great because today’s leg is short and tomorrow […]
6 April 2018

Day 4 – Plettenberg Bay-Jeffreys Bay

Today it’s raining at last,a piece of good news to this region plagued with a drought that has been going on for years, and it’s a […]


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