McCormick tractors – dealer AL Agri holds busy open evening

McCormick tractors dealer AL Agri holds busy open evening.
Great to see so many local farmers visiting McCormick dealer AL Agri’s first ever Open Evening at Forfar Mart. The turnout was such that one wag suggested the mart needed a bigger car park!
It was a perfect opportunity to get in the seat of tractors from the current McCormick range, to make plans for a test drive, and to discover AL Agri’s commitment to delivering the best possible products and service back-up.
Business partners Andy Mitchell (pictured far right) and Liam Wylie (second from left) thank all the visitors for showing their support for the venture that has now celebrated a year in business and has attracted good customers and franchises.
McCormick area sales manager Bob Bain (left) helped organise the impressive line up of tractors and he was joined by Kevin Clark of GB Lubricants, Alan Watt of Pottinger and Richard Fairnie at Simon Richards Ltd, distributor of embankment tractors and flail mowers. AL Agri also supply products from Albutt, Broughan Trailers and Conor, as well as flail toppers from Ino, and Granit parts and tools.
Farmers in the area who could not make it the celebration event can contact Andy for info and deals on the products supplied and supported throughout Angus and northern Perthshire.