The McCormick brand has always been a byword for performance, technology and evolution. Evolution that now involves communication, where McCormick has recently made a qualitative leap towards increased use of digital media. The new approach began by restyling the website, which now features a linear layout and user-friendly browsing, as well as eye-catching images, new video clips and a new product selector tool in the products section to help farmers choose the right tractor for their needs, depending on the type of use, the engine and transmission required.  To provide an increasingly complete and performance-oriented service, McCormick has also updated the tractor range catalogue with the recently introduced new model innovations. Also, the McCormick product range can now be examined in the McCormick Digital Library App, which can be downloaded to tablets and smartphones free of charge and is available both for IOS and Android platforms. Having stepped up its presence in the digital world, McCormick certainly did not forget the social network Facebook, where a specifically created page for McCormick tractors was recently implemented: It is already being used for publishing vintage images, interesting bits of news, video clips, video-interviews, contributions from customers and details about where McCormick tractors will be on show.

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